Book Recommendation: I Think that it’s a Monster

I Think that it’s a Monster
By Steven Krygger
Illustrated by Andrew McIntosh

This is the first book recommendation I have made on this blog but I cannot get over how much I love this book. I picked it up from the library for my children (age 2 and 4) and I expected it to be similar to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually read it!

Spoiler Alert! It can’t be helped if you want to know why this book is so good.

This book is about a child searching for monsters and coming across strange looking creatures but none of them are considered to be monsters. They all have monster-like features, but the book explains that they are not monsters because they have done nothing wrong. A monster is someone who is unkind on purpose. The book then goes on to explain how to stop a monster by offering them your friendship.

It is a great book for exploring inclusivity and kindness.

Here is a link to the book on Amazon if you are interested:

I Think That It’s a Monster

Or see if you can find it in your local library or other preferred places. It really is worth it!

Have you read this book before? Please let me know if you are going to look it up because of this recommendation.